* The Bold and the Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 20, 2014 on B&B | Soap Central

The Bold and the Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 20, 2014 on B&B

Hope told Deacon to choose between her and Quinn. Caroline and Ridge walked away from their passionate partnership with each other, but when Eric made Ridge the CEO, Maya publicly accused the designers of having an affair. Caroline begged Rick to forgive her.
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The Bold and the Beautiful Recaps: The week of October 20, 2014 on B&B
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the week of October 20, 2014
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Monday, October 20, 2014

At the beach house, Hope declared that she'd never been so adamant in all her life as she was that Quinn would be nowhere near Hope's family, which included Deacon. Deacon thought Hope was being a little harsh, but she contended that she was showing enormous restraint. Quinn murmured to Wyatt to use his influence. "Hope feels how she feels, Mom," Wyatt responded.

Quinn said Hope needed to understand Quinn, who wasn't manor-born like Hope. Hope seethed that Quinn was no mystery. "You're a conniving, scheming, dangerous woman with no moral center or regard for human life. You play your son shamelessly and tell him it's love," Hope asserted.

Quinn replied that Hope couldn't keep Quinn's son from Quinn. Hope quipped that she wouldn't be so sure about that. "And what the hell is this?" Hope asked, waving her fingers between Deacon and Quinn. Deacon said that he and Quinn had been living together for quite some time.

Hope recalled that Deacon had been extremely vague about his living arrangements, and she asked if Quinn had targeted him. Deacon contended that it hadn't been like that, but Hope asked how he knew for sure, because Quinn was a master deceiver. Quinn resented the statement. "I wouldn't if I were you. You earned this," Wyatt interjected.

Hope believed that Quinn had charmed Deacon to use him as the father card in her back pocket to get back into Hope's life. Quinn didn't know whether to be insulted or flattered by the credit Hope had given her. Hope asked Deacon how he could feel anything for Quinn after what she'd done to Hope.

Quinn asked what was so wrong with Hope's life and noted that Hope was happily married and pregnant with a doting family around her. Quinn merely wanted her rightful place in it. "No," Hope replied. Deacon sided with Quinn, who was Wyatt's mother, a part of the family and "with me now." Deacon appealed to Hope's forgiving side and reminded her that she'd forgiven him for his interference with her and Liam. Deacon asked why Hope couldn't do the same with Quinn.

Hope conveyed that she'd forgiven Quinn more times than Quinn had deserved, but Quinn never stopped. Forgiveness was pointless with Quinn, and Hope refused to keep looking over her shoulder for the next thing her crazy mother-in-law chose to do. "And if you were smart, you'd walk away right now -- before she pulls a sword on you while you sleep," Hope told her father.

Quinn claimed that she'd appalled herself by the act with Liam, and it had been why she'd gotten treatment. Deacon said they had a shot at being a real family through the child that connected them. He asked Hope to give Quinn another chance for his sake and reminded Hope of the togetherness the family had experienced at the wedding party at Brooke's house. Deacon saw no reason that it couldn't be like that all the time. "Quinn is the reason!" Hope replied.

It really worried Hope that Deacon was blind to Quinn. Hope figured he was frustrated about not being with her mother, but she implored him to find anyone else but Quinn. Deacon declared that Quinn had issues. "Hell, she's got volumes!" he exclaimed, but he added that Quinn was working on it.

Quinn said Deacon deserved props for keeping her centered. Hope asked Deacon not to believe Quinn's act. Haggard and upset, Hope stated that the woman had tried to kill Liam and had pushed Ivy into a river. Hope didn't know how he could present Quinn and expect the women to hug it out.

Quinn asked Wyatt to defend his mother. Wyatt said Quinn made it hard due to the things she'd done. "For you!" Quinn replied. Hope told Quinn not to put her crazy onto Hope's husband. Quinn claimed she'd never hurt Hope. Quinn said that they were family, and Hope couldn't wish it away.

Hope asserted that nothing Quinn said mattered, and Hope would never change her mind. "I will always feel this way. I don't want you around my child!" Hope declared.

To Deacon, Hope said she loved the closeness they'd gained. She loved him and wanted him in her life, but her responsibility was to her child and husband. Hope stated that he had to choose. "If she's going to be a part of your life, then you can't be a part of mine. It's either her or me," Hope said.

In Rick's office with Ivy, Caroline was riddled with guilt over being attracted to Ridge while married to the love of her life. Caroline wondered what was wrong with herself.

In Katie's bedroom, Ridge abruptly pulled away from Katie upon imagining that he was kissing Caroline. Katie asked what was wrong. He decided that Katie was right, and he wasn't a user like Bill. Ridge stated that he'd design the last dress with Caroline and then end the collaboration and remove all temptation. Katie called it a wise choice and left to check on Will.

Ridge called Caroline to arrange a time to finish the collection. Caroline told him that she was at Forrester, but he wanted to meet at the cabin on Brooke's property because it was more private.

Later, Katie arrived in Rick's office, where Ivy was fretting over whether her jewelry was right for the couture collection. Ivy noted that Caroline and Ridge were working together well and sensed that it was the beginning of a long collaboration. Katie doubted that. "In fact, I know it's not," Katie added.

Ivy asked if there was a problem. Katie said there wasn't; however, the collaboration was ending, and Katie was in the building to talk to Rick about it. Ivy asked if Ridge was unhappy with Caroline's work, and Katie said she believed Ridge thought Caroline was a talented designer.

Ivy asked why they'd stop working together, and Katie noted that the line was almost finished. Ivy asked if Caroline knew that it was ending. Katie said Ridge intended to tell Caroline that very day.

At the cabin, Caroline arrived and asked why she and Ridge were meeting there instead of the office. Ridge said it afforded them privacy and less interruptions. He was eager to finish the last design and end the collaboration, because it was not right. Caroline asked if he was feeling something, too.

Ridge couldn't lie. He thought about Caroline all the time. "I have crazy thoughts. But I love Katie. I really do," he added. He planned to marry Katie, and he couldn't let the collaboration derail things. He felt that he and Caroline were on dangerous ground, and it was his fault. Caroline said she'd been there, too. Ridge stated that the fight was between him and Rick.

Caroline conveyed that she couldn't go against her husband no matter how much she liked and respected Ridge. Ridge replied that he shouldn't have asked. Smiling, she said he'd been being himself by single-mindedly going after something he wanted. "And now I'm single-mindedly stepping away from it," he told her. He turned away, and darting her eyes to the floor, she agreed that it was best.

Ridge whipped around, and as he neared her, he heartily revealed that he'd enjoyed the connection they'd had and how unselfish she'd been with him. He appeared to move in to kiss her. She braced herself, but he moved past her to pick up a sketchpad.

"Ta-da!" Ridge exclaimed, showing her a drawing he'd done himself.

Caroline said the design was wonderful. Ridge disagreed; however, he felt it was a start, and he had to find his way back. She remarked that she'd known that one day he wouldn't need her anymore. He asked her not to say that because it sounded as if he'd used her and was discarding her, which wasn't the case. She dismissed the notion and said she'd leave the cabin a better designer than she'd believed she ever could be. Thanking him, she said he'd rock his own designs, and she'd rock hers.

"When we kissed," Ridge said. Caroline waved her hand and said no one else needed to know. He believed it was for the best. She remarked she'd miss "us -- " what they'd created together. Caressing her shoulders, he stated that she'd taught him things he hadn't known about himself and had made him see things through someone else's eyes.

Caroline revealed that he had changed her perspective as a designer and a woman. She'd always treasure their time together. Ridge felt the same and hoped Rick knew what he had in her, but if Rick ever forgot, Ridge said that she could call him. They agreed to get to work for one last time.

Caroline grabbed a pencil and stood before an easel. Ridge slipped up behind her and placed his hand over hers. As they formed lines on the paper, she leaned back into him, and he nuzzled his nose in her hair. A woman in a gown took form on the pad, and Ridge and Caroline teetered on the verge of abandon. His face rolled against her hair. Tossing the pencil across the room, he gathered her in his arms and locked his mouth into her quavering lips.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

by Pam

In the cabin, Ridge and Caroline made out. Ridge said he was going to miss their collaboration. Caroline said Ridge didn't need her anymore. Caroline walked over to the sketchpad and held up the pencil. "Go ahead. You can do it. Take the big bad pencil. Don't be afraid. Show me what you got. Do it, Ridge," Caroline said.

Ridge took the pencil and started to sketch, and Caroline watched. Ridge finished a sketch, and set the pencil down. Caroline and Ridge smiled at one another.

Ridge said the sketch was a little rough, but Caroline disagreed. She noted that they had shared some incredible creativity in design. She said she could only imagine what else they could have done. "I guess we'll never know," she said. "No," Ridge answered. She moved in closer to Ridge and said goodbye. Caroline left, and Ridge watched through the window as she walked away.

At Forrester, in Rick's office, Rick checked out a dress that a model was wearing. He pulled some accents off of it, and the model seemed shocked. Rick noted that he couldn't tell if the one item had been a bow or a dead bird. He said he didn't mind Ridge and Caroline taking risks, but he didn't like the look.

Maya walked in, and Rick dismissed the model. Maya asked if Rick had become a designer. He responded that he was the president and future CEO, and he didn't like the design that Caroline and Ridge had produced.

Maya mocked Caroline and Ridge as "the happy little design team." "Where are they right now, anyway?" asked Maya. Rick coldly replied that he didn't care where they were as long as they had created more award-winning designs. Maya noted that Ridge and Caroline had not been in the office, and their cars had not been in the parking lot.

Rick tired of her insinuations, but Maya interrupted that she had seen Caroline in Ridge's arms. Rick advised her that they could have embraced for any reason. Rick said he had often embraced people during the day, but it didn't mean he wanted to jump in the sack with them. Rick refused to accept Maya's attacks on his wife.

"Be careful and be aware," Maya said. Rick called her bluff and said that she had clearly wanted to drive a wedge between Rick and Caroline ever since Maya and Carter had broken up. Maya ranted that Caroline didn't appreciate the life that Rick had given to her. Maya walked out, and Rick looked angry.

At Hope and Wyatt's, Hope tried to convince her father that Quinn was no good. Hope had given Deacon an ultimatum that it was Quinn or her. Hope maintained that she intended to keep Quinn far away from her family. Hope advised Deacon that Quinn had been using him. Deacon tried to persuade Hope to give Quinn a chance, but Hope refused. Quinn tried to interrupt, but Wyatt told both Quinn and Deacon to leave.

Quinn agreed they should leave to let Hope cool off. Deacon and Quinn exited, and Hope hugged Wyatt. She admitted that she loved her dad, but she refused to see him with Quinn. Wyatt worried that Quinn and Deacon were stressing Hope, and he didn't want any stress on her or the baby. Wyatt said that it might be good that Quinn had something to focus on other than Hope and Wyatt, but Hope disagreed. She knew that Quinn would try to worm her way back into their lives.

Hope acknowledged that Brooke had hurt her dad, and she understood that Deacon had enjoyed the attention from Quinn. Wyatt kissed her to stop her from talking. "We can't worry about what our parents do," he said. He wanted them to worry about their own family. "We'll be the parents we never had," Wyatt said. He and Hope kissed.

At Quinn's, Deacon tried to comfort Quinn, who angrily said that Hope had rejected her. "Granny does have a history," Deacon noted about Quinn. Quinn insisted that Hope had to give her a chance, but Deacon defended Hope. Quinn said she had wanted to instill peace and harmony in her family. Deacon wondered if Quinn had been using him. Quinn scoffed and said that Hope had thrown huge temper tantrums.

Deacon countered that he barely knew Quinn. He agreed that Quinn had used him in the beginning, and Quinn admitted it, but she said they had done much more than share a few beers, a few laughs, and more. Deacon was despondent. "I think I've overstayed my welcome. Nobody cons me. Not even you. I'm outta here," he said. Deacon opened the door to leave.

"You're not going anywhere," Quinn ordered, and she took off her coat. Quinn insisted that he had to experience a little bit more of what she had to offer. They kissed passionately, and Quinn pushed Deacon down on the couch. She placed her stiletto heel on his chest and inquired what his safe word was. "Diamonds," Deacon replied, and he smiled. Quinn jumped on top of him.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

by Pam

At home, Caroline looked at her wedding photo with Rick, but she thought of her kiss with Ridge. Rick entered and was surprised that she was home early. Caroline told him that she and Ridge had finished the collection. "I thought you would be at it all night," Rick said. Caroline gulped. "I really wish you two would get along," she said.

Rick admitted that he and Ridge both wanted the CEO position, and he had been intense because Caroline had spent so much time with Ridge. Caroline apologized for being distracted and focusing so much of her attention on designing with Ridge. Rick understood how much it had meant to Caroline to work with Ridge. Caroline said she had learned a lot, but she had never imagined how much time it would take away from Rick.

Rick said he should have been more supportive, and he should have had more compassion for Ridge, who had lost his confidence and his ability to design. "Rick, there's something I need to tell you. It's about Ridge and me," Caroline said. She poured a glass of wine and said that Ridge had helped her. Rick thanked her for creating a collection with Ridge and said he felt that it had been mostly Caroline, but Caroline disagreed. She said that Ridge's ability had returned. Rick was elated, and he said that Caroline had had a bigger impact on Ridge than he had realized.

Caroline said she and Ridge had agreed to end their collaboration. Rick was surprised, but Caroline said it had to end. They hugged, and Rick smiled, but Caroline looked unhappy. Rick took a shower, and Caroline sipped her wine and thought of Ridge.

At Ridge's house, he remembered his passionate kiss with Caroline. Katie entered the room and noticed Ridge had been deep in thought. Katie wanted to know if Ridge had wrapped up with Caroline, and Ridge agreed that he had. Katie wanted details, but Ridge simply said they had finished the collection.

Katie assumed that Caroline had been upset when Ridge had ended their collaboration, but Ridge disagreed. He said they had agreed their collaboration had to end. Katie figured that Caroline's crush on him wasn't over. Ridge said he would never have hurt Caroline -- or Katie. "I love you. Don't ever doubt that," Ridge said. Katie said she never doubted his love, but she didn't like the thought of him manipulating Caroline. Ridge looked concerned.

Katie teased that she had also been worried because she'd had a crush on Ridge for years. Ridge smiled and said he was glad she had never gotten him out of her system. Ridge noted that Caroline had a husband she loved, and Ridge would never have hurt her because she had helped him rediscover his talent. Katie said she was also grateful.

"My beautiful fiancée," Ridge said. Katie admitted she had been jealous. "I would never want to hurt you Katie," Ridge said. He recalled how his life had changed due to the helicopter accident. "But I love you -- that's never gonna change," Ridge said. Katie smiled, and Ridge and Katie kissed. Katie tearfully hugged Ridge. Will started to cry, and Katie left to take care of him. Ridge admired his most recent sketch of an evening gown.

Caroline called Ridge. She and Ridge agreed nothing would ever happen between them again. "Rick can never find out," Caroline said. Ridge said that it was all behind them and forgotten. "Is it?" Caroline asked. "It has to be. Goodbye, Caroline," Ridge said. Caroline said goodbye and tearfully hung up. She recalled that she had passionately kissed Ridge.

Maya entered Rick's office, and Carter apologized for not being Rick because he knew that was who Maya wanted. Carter advised Maya to stay away from Rick because he was at home with his wife. Maya argued that they were not a supercouple. She started her rant that Caroline had been doing more than collaborating with Ridge.

Carter warned Maya to stop gossiping and eavesdropping. Maya admitted that she had been snooping.

Carter shook his head. He said that Maya was going to end up losing her job if she caused trouble. Maya ranted that Rick deserved to know what his wife was doing, and she knew that she would be a better wife for Rick than Caroline.

Carter said that Maya was not concerned about Rick. She only wanted his name and his money. Maya disagreed. She said that she loved Rick, and he had loved her. Carter said he had been on the receiving end of Maya's love -- but his pocket weren't deep enough. He called her a gold-digger.

Maya said that Cater was mean spirited, and Maya maintained that she loved Rick and that Caroline had been carrying on behind his back. Maya said that she knew Caroline and Ridge had been more than designing together. Carter warned that if something had been going on between Ridge and Caroline, Rick would find out on his own. If their marriage broke up, Maya could pick up the pieces, but if Maya broke up Rick's marriage, she would be sorry.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

by Pam

At home, Caroline looked at her wedding photo with Rick, but she thought of her kiss with Ridge. Rick entered and was surprised that she was home early. Caroline told him that she and Ridge had finished the collection. "I thought you would be at it all night," Rick said. Caroline gulped. "I really wish you two would get along," she said.

Rick admitted that he and Ridge both wanted the CEO position, and he had been intense because Caroline had spent so much time with Ridge. Caroline apologized for being distracted and focusing so much of her attention on designing with Ridge. Rick understood how much it had meant to Caroline to work with Ridge. Caroline said she had learned a lot, but she had never imagined how much time it would take away from Rick.

Rick said he should have been more supportive, and he should have had more compassion for Ridge, who had lost his confidence and his ability to design. "Rick, there's something I need to tell you. It's about Ridge and me," Caroline said. She poured a glass of wine and said that Ridge had helped her. Rick thanked her for creating a collection with Ridge and said he felt that it had been mostly Caroline, but Caroline disagreed. She said that Ridge's ability had returned. Rick was elated, and he said that Caroline had had a bigger impact on Ridge than he had realized.

Caroline said she and Ridge had agreed to end their collaboration. Rick was surprised, but Caroline said it had to end. They hugged, and Rick smiled, but Caroline looked unhappy. Rick took a shower, and Caroline sipped her wine and thought of Ridge.

At Ridge's house, he remembered his passionate kiss with Caroline. Katie entered the room and noticed Ridge had been deep in thought. Katie wanted to know if Ridge had wrapped up with Caroline, and Ridge agreed that he had. Katie wanted details, but Ridge simply said they had finished the collection.

Katie assumed that Caroline had been upset when Ridge had ended their collaboration, but Ridge disagreed. He said they had agreed their collaboration had to end. Katie figured that Caroline's crush on him wasn't over. Ridge said he would never have hurt Caroline -- or Katie. "I love you. Don't ever doubt that," Ridge said. Katie said she never doubted his love, but she didn't like the thought of him manipulating Caroline. Ridge looked concerned.

Katie teased that she had also been worried because she'd had a crush on Ridge for years. Ridge smiled and said he was glad she had never gotten him out of her system. Ridge noted that Caroline had a husband she loved, and Ridge would never have hurt her because she had helped him rediscover his talent. Katie said she was also grateful.

"My beautiful fiancée," Ridge said. Katie admitted she had been jealous. "I would never want to hurt you Katie," Ridge said. He recalled how his life had changed due to the helicopter accident. "But I love you -- that's never gonna change," Ridge said. Katie smiled, and Ridge and Katie kissed. Katie tearfully hugged Ridge. Will started to cry, and Katie left to take care of him. Ridge admired his most recent sketch of an evening gown.

Caroline called Ridge. She and Ridge agreed nothing would ever happen between them again. "Rick can never find out," Caroline said. Ridge said that it was all behind them and forgotten. "Is it?" Caroline asked. "It has to be. Goodbye, Caroline," Ridge said. Caroline said goodbye and tearfully hung up. She recalled that she had passionately kissed Ridge.

Maya entered Rick's office, and Carter apologized for not being Rick because he knew that was who Maya wanted. Carter advised Maya to stay away from Rick because he was at home with his wife. Maya argued that they were not a supercouple. She started her rant that Caroline had been doing more than collaborating with Ridge.

Carter warned Maya to stop gossiping and eavesdropping. Maya admitted that she had been snooping.

Carter shook his head. He said that Maya was going to end up losing her job if she caused trouble. Maya ranted that Rick deserved to know what his wife was doing, and she knew that she would be a better wife for Rick than Caroline.

Carter said that Maya was not concerned about Rick. She only wanted his name and his money. Maya disagreed. She said that she loved Rick, and he had loved her. Carter said he had been on the receiving end of Maya's love -- but his pocket weren't deep enough. He called her a gold-digger.

Maya said that Cater was mean spirited, and Maya maintained that she loved Rick and that Caroline had been carrying on behind his back. Maya said that she knew Caroline and Ridge had been more than designing together. Carter warned that if something had been going on between Ridge and Caroline, Rick would find out on his own. If their marriage broke up, Maya could pick up the pieces, but if Maya broke up Rick's marriage, she would be sorry.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

At the sky lounge, Carter noticed that Maya was anxious to find out whom Eric had picked as CEO. Maya stated that she was excited to see Rick achieve his goals because he'd wanted the position for a long time. Carter was confident that Eric would pick Ridge, not Rick, but Carter could see it on Maya's face that she'd stir up trouble for Caroline and Ridge if Rick didn't get the job.

Maya asserted that she knew for certain that Ridge and Caroline were involved. Carter said that Maya was blowing up an innocent sign of affection, but she insisted that the hug she'd seen hadn't been innocent. She was glad she'd told Rick about it, so he wouldn't be blindsided.

Carter remarked that Maya never stopped digging, and Maya asked how he could know her but still term her a gold-digger. "By your actions now, not then," he responded. Carter didn't know if the Maya of the past had been real. She guessed she was learning how much she'd hurt him, and he replied that it had been better to break things off before one of them had been unable to keep her vows.

Maya claimed that she'd really wanted to marry Carter. She'd really thought she'd been over Rick and moving on with the wonderful Carter; however, while planning the wedding, she'd begun to discover what she really wanted, and it hadn't had to do with Rick's money.

Maya doubted that ignoring her heart so would have been good for either of them. Being with Carter hadn't been a mistake for Maya. Instead, her time with him had been sweet. Carter agreed, and she asked him to try to remember that whenever he thought the worst of her. She wanted him to be her friend. Carter replied that it was a tall order, and she said she could wait.

After some time in silence, Maya began to speak. "So, friend, have you heard? The dream team split up," she said. Maya was sure that the pair was running from their attraction. Carter displayed concern about Maya, who was making something out of nothing and becoming crazy in her obsession.

Maya insisted that the designers were having an affair -- an emotional one if not a physical one. Because she refused to let Caroline make a fool of Rick, Maya was tempted to call Caroline out at the meeting that day. Carter warned against making baseless accusations. Maya stated that she knew what she'd seen, and Rick and Katie deserved to know about Ridge and Caroline's involvement.

At Katie's house, Katie noted that it was a big day for Ridge, who'd take his rightful place as the CEO of Forrester. Ridge admired her confidence. She said his design skills had returned, and though the collaboration had been good, it was time to move on with their lives. He tonelessly agreed.

For luck, Katie fastened a leather strap on Ridge's wrist. She believed that he'd get the job because he was the designer, and Rick would just have to deal with that. Katie asked if Rick had picked up on Caroline's crush on Ridge. Ridge said there was nothing to pick up on or discuss, and it was time to move on. Katie added that they'd move on to bigger and better things. In her view, Eric had made the right choice in Ridge as the CEO.

Later, Katie was working on colors for the guest bedroom when Donna arrived. Pam had told Donna to take a long lunch, and Donna guessed Pam had her ear pressed to the door of the CEO's office. Donna remarked that once Ridge became CEO, Katie would see a lot less of him. "If you think Caroline monopolized his time, just wait and see what this job does," Donna said.

Katie became hesitant but then admitted that Caroline had developed a "bit of a crush" on Ridge. Donna asked if it was serious. Katie called it "moderate-to-mild." Katie conveyed that Ridge had talked to Caroline, and the feelings had ended along with the collaboration. Katie said Rick didn't know about it, and she thanked God that he didn't have to.

In Rick's office, Caroline thought of Ridge. Rick entered and announced that it was the day that everything changed. "Will it be me, or will it be Ridge?" Rick asked. He felt that it was a real turning point for him and Caroline, who were in it together like Stephanie and Eric.

Rick asked if Caroline was up for it. As they held each other's hands against their chests, she affirmed that it was their dream. She never wanted Rick to doubt that he could always count upon her. He asked why he'd doubt her. She claimed to be flighty but said her feet were planted firmly by his side. "Nothing and no one could ever change that," she added, and as Caroline and Rick kissed, Ridge observed them from outside the door.

When Ridge entered, Rick joked that Ridge was there to concede. Ridge quipped that it was the only way Rick would get the job. Caroline and Ridge exchanged curt greetings, and Rick stated that he was glad Ridge's skills had returned because Rick would need Caroline's full support as soon as Eric named Rick CEO. Ridge thought Rick should brace himself for disappointment.

Rick didn't believe he'd need to. Ridge said he'd always valued Rick's talents, and there was no reason they couldn't work together. Rick thought it was big of Ridge to say, but Ridge needed to reverse the scenario. Rick said he had Caroline, his partner for life, and they were a team just like Eric and Stephanie. Serious that time, Rick advised Ridge to concede.

In Eric's office, Eric stared at family pictures as Hope talked about getting HFTF's summer line together. She noticed his distraction and assured him that he'd made the right decision. Eric stated that one of his sons would be happy, and the other would be incredibly disappointed.

Hope believed that, after a while, the son not chosen would make peace with the decision. Eric wanted a strategy in place to deal with rumors and the press. Hope agreed, saying that they needed to take any opportunity to preempt gossip.

As Hope took a call, Ivy arrived to see how Eric was feeling about the day's announcement. Eric was still concerned about the son not chosen, but Ivy said it was a business decision based upon Eric looking out for the business. Hope cut an icy look at Ivy as Eric chuckled about Ivy being practical.

Ivy felt that Eric was the fairest person she knew, and his decision was the way forward. Ivy hugged Eric and asked if he was ready. "Yes, Miss Forrester," Eric replied, and Hope looked at them again. Smiling, Eric added, "Let's do this."

Later, employees gathered in the CEO's office. Maya let Rick know that she was on his team. She said he was the best man for the job and the best man she'd ever known. Caroline's Maya radar popped up, and Caroline rejoined her husband to ask what the conversation with Maya was about.

Rick said Maya was lending her support to them, and Maya corrected that she supported Rick. Maya asked who Caroline supported, Rick or -- "what is Ridge to you these days, anyways?" Maya asked.

Eric called the meeting to order. Caroline squeezed Rick's hand but also stole a glance at Ridge. Eric announced that he planned to follow his brother's lead and find a balance in life. Eric wanted to get out and do things, or sometimes he'd do nothing at all. He wasn't stepping down. He'd still be designing, mentoring, and watching over them all; however, he was ready to hand Forrester over to its future.

It hadn't been an easy choice for Eric, who'd sought advice from people within the company and from people outside of it. Eric said that Ridge had given his talent and dedication for years and years. Eric believed that Ridge was the best designer in the world, as proven by the collaboration with Caroline, whose real partner was Rick.

Eric believed that Rick had grown by leaps and bounds, and Forrester had benefited from the expertise Rick had gained from Forrester International. Eric said that Rick had had the good sense to marry a wonderful woman who complimented him on every level.

Eric was proud of both of his sons, who were each qualified and gifted. Those very things made Eric's choice difficult, but he vowed to make certain that Rick and Ridge functioned as partners and brothers. "Now, having said that, the new CEO of Forrester Creations is..." Eric began to announce.

Friday, October 24, 2014

In Katie's bedroom, Donna didn't know what to think about Caroline's crush on Ridge and Ridge's sudden decision to partner with a designer when he'd been solo for most of his career. Katie swore Donna to secrecy and confided in her about Ridge's design disability after the Middle East incident. Katie also explained Ridge's ability to draw through Caroline.

In Katie's view, Ridge had used Caroline to draw out of necessity, but Caroline had gotten caught up in working with a man she'd idolized her entire life. Donna assumed that Ridge had nipped it in the bud. "He ended it, though not right away," Katie flatly replied.

Donna hoped that the crush was harmless and that Ridge and Katie were okay. Katie affirmed Donna's hopes, but Katie missed how things had been before the incident. At times, things were easy between Katie and Ridge. At other times, though, Katie was unable to reach Ridge. It was as if they couldn't connect and as if something was missing.

Katie figured that it sounded selfish to say that she and Ridge had put their life together on hold while dealing with his issues. Donna asked if the couple had discussed it. Katie relayed that they talked, but it was as if they were talking around the problem instead of about it. There always seemed to be unsaid things in the air, but she and Ridge wouldn't say them.

Donna asked if Katie was worried about Caroline. "Not in the way you mean," Katie responded. Katie wasn't jealous in the conventional sense or worried that Ridge would cross the line. Fighting back tears, she admitted that she was very jealous of Caroline's time with him and Caroline's ability to help him when Katie couldn't.

Donna urged her sister not to be jealous. She was sure that Ridge loved Katie, and Ridge would never act upon Caroline's crush. "Yeah, well..." Katie cynically replied, and Donna gleaned that Ridge had acted upon it. Katie said he hadn't acted upon it, but he hadn't discouraged it, either, because it had been to his advantage in getting the CEO position.

Donna said it was unlike Ridge, and Caroline wouldn't betray Rick. Katie didn't think Ridge had meant any real harm, but he'd been desperate due to his inability to design. "So he let Caroline fall for him," Donna said. Katie affirmed it but said he hadn't let it go too far.

Donna saw it as positive that Ridge had been open about what was going on. Katie agreed and said she had to keep reminding herself that Ridge wasn't Bill. Katie was sure that she and Ridge would be okay. Donna asked if Katie was okay with him working with Caroline. Katie didn't seem to mind it, but she stated that she hadn't been okay with Ridge using Caroline, which thankfully was over.

Katie relayed that Ridge's skills had returned at the best time, and she was thankful because he really wanted to head the company. "So does Rick," Donna replied. Katie felt for Rick, but Ridge had been on the path to the CEO spot his whole life. Donna figured that it was tough for Eric, and Katie asked how Donna felt about missing Eric once the transition happened.

Donna was sad about it. She'd been hoping to rekindle things with Eric. She wanted him to be happy and enjoy life, but she tearfully asked why he'd keep her at arm's length. Katie wondered if he were trying to honor Stephanie in some way because Donna and Stephanie had had issues. Donna thought that was an understatement, but at the end, Stephanie had kind of given her blessing.

Something about Ridge's plan with Caroline didn't sit well with Donna, and she wondered if Ridge had gotten caught up in Caroline, too. Katie insisted that it had been just a ploy, but it was over and behind them.

Donna and Katie recalled that Stephanie and Eric had run the business together, which made Caroline's relationship with Rick so important for him. They imagined that choosing between two sons who didn't get along wouldn't be easy for Eric, and Donna wondered what would happen if Rick learned about Caroline's crush on Ridge. Katie said she and Donna needed to hope it didn't happen.

At Forrester, Eric wished he could please both of his sons, but there could only be one CEO. He acknowledged that Rick's business acumen and knowledge of the global market had pulled Forrester through dark times. On the other hand, Ridge had immense talent. Eric was sad to say that Ridge's incident had caused him to doubt Ridge, but Ridge teaming with Caroline had turned things around.

Forrester had always been about design. Eric wanted it to continue in that vein, so he'd chosen Ridge as the new CEO of Forrester Creations. Eric wanted Rick to continue on as president. Ridge and Eric hugged, and Rick looked devastated by the decision.

Maya looked just as disappointed as Rick. Carter asked her to leave with him, but she stayed put. Hope was sorry for Rick, who'd made many contributions. Eric said that Rick would continue to do that as president. "Make him president. Make him head designer. Anything but CEO," Rick bitterly said, standing up. Rick asserted that he had more executive experience than anyone.

"Yeah, he's a designer -- when he's able to do so," Rick bit out about Ridge. Rick said that Ridge had practically zero executive experience, but Rick had become president because he'd run International successfully. Forrester had seen tremendous sales and growth under Rick's leadership. Eric expressed pride in Rick's accomplishments, but Rick asked when he'd be good enough for Eric.

Eric insisted that neither son was better than the other, just differently talented. Rick said it was because he wasn't a designer; however, Caroline was an incredible designer, and he asked why Eric wouldn't give Rick and Caroline the chance to lead the way Stephanie and Eric had done for decades.

Eric assured Rick that he'd have his chance at CEO. Rick wondered if he had to wait until Ridge, who'd just been vice-president, had his fill. Ridge said he'd held the CEO position before, and Eric knew what Ridge was capable of. Caroline said that Rick was the best president there was, and she was still his partner, which meant there was more they'd do together. She believed Rick would have his time.

Rick reminded everyone that during Ridge's last term as CEO, he'd tried to throw Eric out. Rick asked what kind of egomaniac or son would do that to his father. Ridge claimed that everyone made mistakes. "Isn't that the truth," Maya murmured.

Maya laughed as Eric commended Ridge on his recovery from the helicopter incident. Rick said Ridge's career had been done until he'd begged Rick's wife to help him. "Um-humn," Maya murmured her agreement, and Carter glared at her.

Eric didn't think it mattered how the collaboration had formed. To him, Caroline and Ridge were two classy, principled designers who'd shown decency and restraint. "Oh, you think so?" Maya asked. Hope asked what Maya meant. Carter tried to cover for Maya and asked her to leave with him.

"Oh, I'm just getting started!" Maya declared, slamming her hand on the table as she hopped to her feet. Rick told Maya that it was a family matter. She agreed but said they'd all want to hear what she had to say. Carter advised Maya not to embarrass herself.

Maya told Rick that she'd tried to inform him, but he wouldn't listen. Rick tried deterring Maya, but Eric wanted to hear what she had to say. Maya said that the principled, decent, and retrained Caroline and Ridge weren't such behind closed doors. "They're having an affair," Maya revealed.

"Oh, come on. Out. Out!" Eric said, and Carter tried to pull Maya away. Maya wouldn't go, saying that Rick needed to know what Caroline had done behind Rick's back, and "on hers!" No one thought Maya was credible, but she noted that the guilt was written all over Caroline's face. Maya challenged Caroline to tell Rick that nothing was happening between her and Ridge.

Caroline looked down, and Maya turned to Ridge, the "fearless leader," and challenged him to say that nothing was going on. Caroline turned to Rick and regretfully admitted that something had happened. She said that the designing had been so intimate, and it had been just a few kisses. She exclaimed that she was very sorry, and he had to forgive her.

"You and him?" the disillusioned Rick responded. "You and him?"

Recaps for the week of October 27, 2014 (Following Week)
Poppy is arrested for murder on The Bold and The Beautiful
Jamison Belushi makes her The Bold and the Beautiful debut


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